You are
the talent

Join the best of the best
Join our community of motivated experts and find your next assignment. The best companies are waiting for the best talent.

It only takes a few minutes to sign up and become a member of BBTP. After registration, you are eligible for assignments posted within the platform.
You can register in the BBTP system in absolute confidence, as we follow all GDPR regulations with care. No one will know you have registered, and it will always be your decision whether or not to apply for a position.
When you register, you can tell us about your expertise and which roles, sectors, and locations might interest you. When a new position is posted that matches your criteria, you will be sent an email notification and you can decide if you would like to apply. You may also select to receive email notifications for our member newsletter and event invitations.

Benefits of joining BBTP
BBTP is a premium platform for expert talents and it comes with tools to make your professional life easier. Our platform includes a CV tool and contract template, as well as automated feedback service.
As a member of our network, you will receive invitations to interesting professional development and social events. You will also have an opportunity to take advantage of relevant services at special rates.
Insurance through BBTP
All assignments agreed through BBTP include insurance coverage. This means that talent can apply to assignments without the hassle of finding their own liability insurance.
Want to know the details? View BBTP's insurance coverage.

Meet BBTP Members
On Best Best Talent Platform, talent can browse open assignments anonymously. Members' professional information is only shared with customers once they apply to a position.
However, BBTP Members have several opportunities to market themselves publicly. To meet some of the experts within our talent pool, check out the "Member Spotlight" section of our news hub.
Need technical support?
Check out our tool guide or watch the platform tutorial taken from our recent introductory webinar.